Pre-Op Instructions

Guidelines for general anesthesia procedures:
All appointments for surgery under general anesthesia are made under the following conditions:
- If the appointment is in the a.m., the patient must not have anything to eat or drink from midnight the night before. If the appointment is in the afternoon, you may have a light breakfast, but in all situations you should be without food or drink for 8 or more hours. If medication has been specifically ordered with this period, take it with only enough water to swallow.
- You must be free from cold and congestion. DO NOT wear contact lenses and jewelry. NO NAIL POLISH
- A responsible adult (18 years or older) who can drive must come with you to the office. YOUR RIDE MUST STAY WITH YOU, AND CANNOT DROP YOU OFF AND COME BACK FOR YOU.
- No activity or travel for 1 week after surgery until cleared by the physician at your post operative exam.
- You should wear comfortable clothing, i.e., short sleeve shirt and low, flat shoes.
Please carefully read and ensure that you understand these instructions.